ICT Coalition appoints Dr O’Neil as independent assessor

The ICT Coalition for Safer Use of Connected Devices and Online Services by Children and Young People in the EU is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Brian O’Neill, of Dublin Institute of Technology, to act as independent assessor of Coalition member’s implementation of the Coalition Principles.

Dr O’Neill is a member of the EU Kids Online management group and of Ireland's Internet Safety Advisory Council. He has extensive independent research experience in the field of children’s online safety and information society policy.

Coalition Member’s implementation plans covering the key areas of the ICT Principles – content, parental controls, dealing with abuse/misuse, child sexual content, privacy & control and education & awareness – are now available on our website: www.ictcoalition.eu

Members recognise that independent assessment is a key part of any strong self-regulatory process. The implementation of the commitments will be assessed by Dr O’Neill in the coming months. A report is to be published in February/March 2014 and will be made available on our website.

In the meantime, the ICT Coalition will continue to facilitate dialogue with key stakeholders and plans to organise a 3rd ICT Coalition Forum in autumn 2013. Do not forget to visit our website regularly to follow the latest developments.

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ict coalition, Honest Broker, implementation ICT Principles, child protection