
Outcome of ICT Coalition Forum 30 June

On June 30th the ICT Coalition hosted its biannual gathering on Children Online. Representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission debate on what is currently happening and on the future challenges.

Jutta Croll presented the preliminary results of her study, and the ICT Coalition invites all parties to send their comments/feedback/ideas in order to help the members to shape future actions and policies in this area.


All downloads

Veronica Donoso INHOPE_Partnership Model_ICT Coalition Forum_BRU_29.06.15

Janice Richardson, ENABLE hackathon

Caterina Bortolini (TI)“EducaTI”

Manuela Martra, DG Connect

Stephane Chaudron (JRC) Young children (0-8) and Digital technology

Thomas Muller (CHI)


Family Online Safety Institute Overview – ICT Coalition – 30th June 2015

