
ICT Coalition Forum 20 April 2021

The ICT Coalition for Children Online resumed its Forum, even tough virtual, for 2 hours of presentations and debates about child safety.  The agenda of the day was Tackling harmful content &n…;

The ICT Coalition for Children Online resumed its Forum, even tough virtual, for 2 hours of presentations and debates about child safety. 

The agenda of the day was

Tackling harmful content

 11.05 – 11.15 | Will Gardner (Childnet) Tackling online sexual harassment

11.15 – 11.25 | Mariya Stoilova (LSE) On/offline: documenting the pathways to resilience and harm


Recent Updates   

11.30 – 11.40| Silvia Caneva (Twitter) Addressing the wider impact of COVID-19

11.40- 11.50 | Almudena Lara & Marco Pancini (Google) Youtube supervised experiences: A new choice for parents of tweens and teens“.

11.50 – 12.00 | David Miles (Facebook) “Prevention – understanding and responding more effectively to CSAM reporting data“.

12.00 – 12.10 | Lucien Grandval (Yubo) “Use of ‘real-time’ pop-up’s to caution and educate young people about sharing personal information and making requests for inappropriate content.


Digital Literacy

12.20-12.30 | Pedro Gonçalves (Altice Portugal) Comunicar em Segurança


Youth engagement

12.35 – 12.45| Lottie Gimlette (VoiceBox): Designed for the Audience

12.45 – 12.55 | Federica Toscano (Missing Children Europe) The Miniila App

Conclusions: Jutta Croll (Stiftung Digitale Chancen) General Comment N. 25


On 02nd July 2019 the ICT Coalition for Children Online hosted its Forum on Children Online. Representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission debate on what is curren…

On 02nd July 2019 the ICT Coalition for Children Online hosted its Forum on Children Online. Representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission debate on what is currently happening and on the future challenges.

The agenda of the day is below as the presentations which will be published as soon they are available:


  1. Marc Durando (Yubo), Partnership with Yoti
  2. Elizabeth Kanter (TikTok), Safety Measures
  3. Sabrina Vorbau (EUN), SELMA
  4. Mariya Stoilova (LSE), Children’s Data and Privacy Online
  5. Nikoleta Lydaki-Simantiri  (Point de Contact France), Tackling illegal content and ensuring staff welfare
  1. Xavier Morales (Google), Google educations initiatives
  2. Janice Richardson, Digital CitizenshipGuidelinesfor school-industry partnerships
  3. Pedro Gonçalves (Altice Portugal), Altice Portugal’s education-related initiatives
  4. Lidia de Reese (FSM), New teaching material on AI and Machine Learning, “Media goes to School” project
  1. Julian Coles, Internet Commission and its pilot evaluation Framework
  2. Jutta Croll Next Next Internet Governance Forum



1. Marc Durando (Yubo), Partnership with Yoti

2. Elizabeth Kanter (TikTok), Safety Measures

3. Sabrina Vorbau (EUN), SELMA

5.Nikoleta Lydaki-Simantiri  (Point de Contact France), Tackling illegal content and ensuring staff welfare

6. Xavier Morales (Google), Google educations initiative

7. Janice Richardson, Digital CitizenshipGuidelinesfor school-industry partnerships

8. Pedro Gonçalves (Altice Portugal), Altice Portugal’s education-related initiatives

9. Lidia de Reese (FSM), New teaching material on AI and Machine Learning, “Media goes to School” project


10. Julian Coles, Internet Commission and its pilot evaluation Framework

11. Jutta Croll  Next Internet Governance Forum

ICT Coalition Forum 26 September 2018

The ICT Coalition for Children Online forum took place on the 26th of September 2018 in Brussels to discuss about the protection of children and young people in today’s digital environment. Man…

The ICT Coalition for Children Online forum took place on the 26th of September 2018 in Brussels to discuss about the protection of children and young people in today’s digital environment.

Many subjects were discussed such as children privacy, how to secure the usage of media by children, how to interact with them and how to improve their skills and understanding.


You will find the agenda and the different presentations of the forum below.


11.00 – 11.15 | Anna Augustson (TeliaCompany): 12-year old kids in the Nordic and Baltic countries

11.15 – 11.30 | Martin Drechsler (FSM): GDPR-Checklist and Guidelines for Providers of Online Content for Children

11.30 – 11.45 | Martin Busch (DT): Deutsche Telekom Initiative Teachtoday

12.00 – 12.15 | Janice Richardson (Insight 2 Act): highlights of the GDPR consultation

12.15 – 12.30 | Catherine Williams (Google): Family Link

12.30 – 12.50 | Jutta Croll (Stiftung Digitale Chancen): Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment

14.00 – 14.45 | Alicia Blum-Ross: Technological and social change in the lives of European children and young people


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Teachtoday – Deutsche Telekom

Children & Privacy – Anna Augustson

GDPR Checklist & Guidelines for Providers of Online Content for Children – Martin Drechsler

Guidelines to Respect, Protect & Fulfil the Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment – Jutta Croll

Technological & Social Change in the Lives of European Children – Dr. Alicia Blum-Ross & Dr. Verónica Donoso

ICT Coalition Forum 20 February 2018

This report talks about how the future of technology is going to impact families, children, young people and education.Topics as how can children learn more about getting used to technologies and barr…

This report talks about how the future of technology is going to impact families, children, young people and education.
Topics as how can children learn more about getting used to technologies and barriers they could face on their way.

All the focus is on the relationship between children and technology and in this report we can find some analysis treating about the most common Parent-Child activities, the most used communication methods and the children’s use of internet during and after school.

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ICT Coalition Presentation

Orange Code for the Planet ICT Coalition

Coface – Families Europe Summary


ICT Coalition Forum 16 May 2017

The ICT Coalition for Children Online held on May 16th 2017 its biannual Forum attended, by representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission. The themes of this edit…

The ICT Coalition for Children Online held on May 16th 2017 its biannual Forum attended, by representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission.

The themes of this edition were “exchanges on best practice ” and “emerging trends”.

The agenda of the day is below as the presentations which will be published as soon they are available:

I. Exchanges on Best Practices

Anna Augustson: Children’s Voice Project by Telia Company
Paul Cording: Vodafone Be Strong Online
Delphine Moralis: The Use of Publicity Appeals in Missing Children Campaigns

II. Emerging Trends

Janice Richardson, ENABLE hackathon
Marc – ICT Forum – preso
Vicki Shotbolt: Digital Resilience
Julie de Bailliencourt: Facebook update
Jutta Croll: SIP-Benchmark III Project – Overall Findings

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ICT Coalition Forum 14 July 2016

On 14th July 2016 the ICT Coalition for Children Online hosted its Forum on Children Online. Representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission debate on what is curren…

On 14th July 2016 the ICT Coalition for Children Online hosted its Forum on Children Online. Representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission debate on what is currently happening and on the future challenges.

The agenda of the day is below as the presentations which will be published as soon they are available:

1) Irina Vasiliu : European Commission, Art 8. Of the GPDR

2) Joanna Wrona: European Commission AVMSD and the provision on the protection of minors and the reinforced role of co-regulation 

3) Jorge Flores: Pantallas Amigas: Ensuring a healthy digital life for kids and teens through participation and peer learning: a successful case

4) Malte Firlus: DT Teach Today platform

5) Paul Cording: Vodafone Be Strong Online Digital Resilience initiative- purpose and initial findings

6) Open Evidence Presentation study on the impact of marketing through social media, online games and mobile applications on children’s behaviour 

7) Anne Larilahti, Telia Company Managing Child Sexual Abuse Material in the corporate network

8) Nuria Pizarro Casado Telefonica: Familia Digital


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AVMSD and minor

Fighting CSAM_ict coalition pres 14 July 2016_final


Study on the impact of marketing through social media

Vodafone Be Strong Online

2016_Deutsche Telekom_Teachtoday_final

ICT Coalition Forum 30 June 2015

On June 30th the ICT Coalition hosted its biannual gathering on Children Online. Representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission debate on what is currently happenin…

On June 30th the ICT Coalition hosted its biannual gathering on Children Online. Representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission debate on what is currently happening and on the future challenges.

Jutta Croll presented the preliminary results of her study, and the ICT Coalition invites all parties to send their comments/feedback/ideas in order to help the members to shape future actions and policies in this area.


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Veronica Donoso INHOPE_Partnership Model_ICT Coalition Forum_BRU_29.06.15

Janice Richardson, ENABLE hackathon

Caterina Bortolini (TI)“EducaTI”

Manuela Martra, DG Connect

Stephane Chaudron (JRC) Young children (0-8) and Digital technology

Thomas Muller (CHI)


Family Online Safety Institute Overview – ICT Coalition – 30th June 2015



ICT Coalition Forum 2 December 2014

On December 2nd 2014, The ICT Coalition held its second Stakeholder Forum of 2014. A Member of the European Parliament, MS Dalli, opened the day and she was joined by representatives of industry, NGO …

On December 2nd 2014, The ICT Coalition held its second Stakeholder Forum of 2014. A Member of the European Parliament, MS Dalli, opened the day and she was joined by representatives of industry, NGO and civil society, and of the European Commission for a day dedicated to the role of “digital literacy” in developing children’s ICT skills, fostering creativity & helping them make best use of the internet in a safer, responsible way.

You can find here the agenda of the day with all the presentations made. We are also happy that the European Internet Foundation organized on December 3rd a breakfast devoted to online child protection, under the patronage of MEP Ms Verheyen. More info on EIF website.

Please note that Coalition members have agreed to change the name of the Coalition, which will now be known as the “ICT Coalition for Children Online”

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2014.12.02_ICT Coalition Forum speech_Miriam Dalli (Archived)

Richard Graham Building young peoples online resilience – final (Archived)

James-SuperCoders presentation for ICT Coalition Dec 2014 (Archived)

Brodtkorb -Use Your Head program (Archived)

Bedell-Online resilience (Archived)

Firlus_awareness raising & education (01-12-2014) (Archived)

Family Online Safety Institute Overview – SIF Briefing 021214 (Archived)

Vollmers (Archived)

ICT_Coalition_PantallasAmigas_v1.1 (Archived)

Will G ICT Principles Dec 14 (Archived)

Donoso -Child-friendly Terms of Use (Archived)

Comunicar em Segurança_ICT Forum


ICT Coalition Forum 15 April 2014

On Tuesday 15 April 2014, at GSMA’s offices in Brussels, the ICT Coalition hosted its first Stakeholder Forum of 2014. The day, attended by civil society, industry and European Commission, saw a…

On Tuesday 15 April 2014, at GSMA’s offices in Brussels, the ICT Coalition hosted its first Stakeholder Forum of 2014. The day, attended by civil society, industry and European Commission, saw a series of presentations (available below) by civil society and a preliminary glance at the first report on the implementation of the ICT Principles.

Dr Brian O’Neill, in presenting his report, highlighted some of the key findings.


ICT Principles:

• Contributed to greater child online safety.

• Represent good industry practice by companies that take safety and online child protection seriously.

• Demonstrate commitment to cooperate on an industry wide basis.

• Enhanced access, parental controls, report abuse mechanisms, privacy protection and education through implementation of ICT Principles.

• Act as a foundation for future development.

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EU Kids Online NCGM 110414

INHOPE Presentation_SJM_ICT Coalition

EDAA Presentation_ICT Forum

Pat Manson ICT Coalition Brussels 15 April 2014

EU Kids Online NCGM 110414

TBM 2014 Partnership Proposal


Annual Report presentation IWF


ICT Coalition Forum 27 November 2013

On Wednesday 27 November, at Google’s offices in Brussels, the ICT Coalition hosted its second Forum of 2013, with an audience of both industry and civil society attendees.In the morning, a numb…

On Wednesday 27 November, at Google’s offices in Brussels, the ICT Coalition hosted its second Forum of 2013, with an audience of both industry and civil society attendees.

In the morning, a number of the ICTC members presented new developments in their child online protection services or products (these presentations can be found on the [link] section of the website). The afternoon saw INSAFE, and then jointly ITU and UNICEF, deliver presentations on their respective initiatives. The day was concluded with Dr. Brian O’Neill, from the Centre for Social and Educational Research, Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland. 

Dr. Brian O’Neill, was appointed by the ICTC as the “Honest Broker” to carry out the first implementation review process of the ICT Coalition Principles. He presented the milestones for the delivery of his report as part of his presentation

  • Each member has already presented its individual commitments, which are available on the ICTC website.

  • Each member is currently reporting back on how these commitments have been implemented. The individual reports will be published on the ICTC website as they become available. 

  • The Honest Broker will assess the members’ reports and compare them with the initial commitments.

  • As all the reports will be publicly available, all interested parties are welcome to contact Dr O’Neill to share any comments and queries they may have.

  • Local child safety organisations may also be contacted by Dr O’Neill to gather opinions as part of the exercise.

  • The final report will be presented to the next Forum which will take place in Spring 2014.

All participants have been invited to send their comments and ideas on emerging trends and topics to identify possible key topics for the ICTC to investigate in the next year.

Below you will find some of the presentations made during the day.

Missing Children Europe:

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Google Uploader age (Archived)

COP guidelines Brussels short

Deutsche Telekom further launches parental control tools ICT Coalition Forum 2013

INSAFE ICT Coalition Forum

Review Process ICT Coalition Nov 27 Meeting

ICT Coalition Forum 18 April 2013

On April 18th 2013, the second ICT Coalition Forum took place at Google’s offices in Brussels.  The event was attended by Children’s Charities, academics and civil society as well as …

On April 18th 2013, the second ICT Coalition Forum took place at Google’s offices in Brussels.  The event was attended by Children’s Charities, academics and civil society as well as the industry members. As with the previous Forum held in 2012 , the day was devoted to highlighting and discussing the latest trends regarding child protection on line issues.

New issues raised by the NGOs attending included  the desire for measures to make “public wi-fi” family-friendly and tools to control the level of in-app purchases.

The presentations made during the day are available for downloading below.

All downloads

Draft Agenda Forum 18-04-2013

EGBA child protection 180413


YouTube Overview – Ofcom – April 2013

ICT Coalition Forum 20 April 2021

The ICT Coalition for Children Online resumed its Forum, even tough virtual, for 2 hours of presentations and debates about child safety.  The agenda of the day was Tackling harmful content &n…;

The ICT Coalition for Children Online resumed its Forum, even tough virtual, for 2 hours of presentations and debates about child safety. 

The agenda of the day was

Tackling harmful content

 11.05 – 11.15 | Will Gardner (Childnet) Tackling online sexual harassment

11.15 – 11.25 | Mariya Stoilova (LSE) On/offline: documenting the pathways to resilience and harm


Recent Updates   

11.30 – 11.40| Silvia Caneva (Twitter) Addressing the wider impact of COVID-19

11.40- 11.50 | Almudena Lara & Marco Pancini (Google) Youtube supervised experiences: A new choice for parents of tweens and teens”.

11.50 – 12.00 | David Miles (Facebook) “Prevention – understanding and responding more effectively to CSAM reporting data“.

12.00 – 12.10 | Annie Mullins (Yubo) “Use of ‘real-time’ pop-up’s to caution and educate young people about sharing personal information and making requests for inappropriate content”.


Digital Literacy

12.20-12.30 | Pedro Gonçalves (Altice Portugal) Comunicar em Segurança


Youth engagement

12.35 – 12.45| Lottie Gimlette (VoiceBox): Designed for the Audience

12.45 – 12.55 | Federica Toscano (Missing Children Europe) The Miniila App

Conclusions: Jutta Croll (Stiftung Digitale Chancen) General Comment N. 25